Become a mentor
Each year The International Specialised Skills Institute appoints dozens of Fellows to travel overseas and up-skill. Fellowships build connections, promotes practical training, and encourages Fellows to disseminate their findings to inform the Australian economic landscape.
The Fellowship process can seem daunting, but all reports indicate that the experience means a lot to our participants. We'd like to enrich the experience even further by encouraging alumni to participate in mentoring Fellows, allowing them time to ask questions about the Fellowship process and knowledge gained from it. A mentor could recommend places to visit, people to meet, and give practical guidance to writing and structuring a Fellowship report.
If you would like to mentor a Fellow, please express interest by contacting us on comms@issinstitute.org.au or fill out the form below.

ISS Institute Alumni Daman Shrivastav and Guy Grossi at an event at Box Hill Institute