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A Study of New Zealand's Coordinated Response to Foundation Skills Assessment, Teaching and Learning for Adults


Lindee Conway

Fellowship Partner/Sponsor:

Department of Education & Training





The report looks at the first-hand the impact of policies and programs on adult learners and the teachers working with them in New Zealand, as well as witness how educators were using the TEC Assessment Tool. The Fellow’s findings are that New Zealand has a lot to teach us about how we should and can respond
to the needs of adult learners. The Fellow also offered some recommendations in their report, such as establishing a working group to evaluate the benefits from the creation of Excellence Centres for Adult
Foundation Studies and VET learning, as well as supporting the establishment of a data collection environment – using one single framework to ensure that Australia is able to simply capture its gains in adult English-language, Literacy and Numeracy acquisition.


New Zealand

Fellowship Year:


A Study of New Zealand's Coordinated Response to Foundation Skills Assessment, Teaching and Learning for Adults
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