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Alternative Energy Systems: Wind Power


Alistair McCosh

Fellowship Partner/Sponsor:

Office of Employment, Training and Tertiary Education

Environment & Sustainability


Environment & Sustainability


The report focuses on the skills required for the emerging wind power manufacturing industry in Australia. It aimed to identify and research the current attitudes and emerging ideas within Europe and
the United Kingdom towards renewable energy production encompassing perspectives from the industry, educational and government sectors as well as the general community. While also taking a particular focus on skills required in the manufacturing of rotor blades that are utilized in the generation of electricity through wind turbines. To ensure that the new innovative designs and manufacturing techniques that are being trailed in Europe are considered as the base skill set for the Australian wind power industry. The report also identifies several Economic and Environmental opportunities for Australia to be a major
player in the generation of alternative energy through the embracing of renewable energy


UK, Germany, Denmark

Fellowship Year:


Alternative Energy Systems: Wind Power
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